Virtual Retreat Overview
Perks of our Premium Virtual Retreats:

Virtual & Convenient
All you need to fully experience our weekend retreats is access to the internet and a phone, tablet or computer. Facilitated via Zoom!

From the Comfort of Your Home
Safely enjoy our virtual retreats from the comfort of your home so you can save money and stay cozy. PJs are welcome!

Over the Weekend
Our sacred containers are conveniently designed to take place over the weekend to accommodate the most common work schedules.

Affordable Pricing
We intentionally price our retreats low because we are here to serve, not to profit. Please reach out to us here if you still need financial assistance.

Expert Facilitators
We conduct comprehensive searches to discover and partner with the world’s most authentic and conscious spiritual healers from around the globe.

HD Retreat Recordings
Our retreats are recorded and provided to you after they end so you don’t have to worry about missing a live event. Watch them back at your convenience!
Upcoming Retreats
Remember to Join the Waitlists!

Dissolving Depression
Dates: Jan 24 – 26, 2025
This virtual retreat is designed to help shift consciousness out of the dark and into the light. By exploring and practicing a variety of enlivening healing and awakening pathways, we aim to inspire hope and lift the spirit in those who may otherwise feel there is no where else to turn. You can now sign up for this upcoming virtual retreat!
***Retreat Rental Coming Soon!

Developing Spiritual Hygiene
Dates: Feb 21 – 23, 2025
We will explore the importance and process of both cultivating and sustaining intentional spiritual practice to help facilitate the Awakening Journey. We will specifically dive into the art of energy balance & maintenance through the lenses of spiritual hygiene and conscious discipline. In essence – how can we maintain the awakened state so we don’t fall back asleep?
Save ~$80 on this Retreat with The Pass

Presence Portals
Dates: April 11 – 13, 2025
In every moment lies an unseen sacred, quantum portal that holds the pure vibrating potential to reconnect us with the peaceful essence of the eternal present. In this mini weekend retreat, we will explore the various opportunities that daily life offers us to deepen presence through the conscious extension of our Divine Being into our Human Doings. We will focus on the various aspects of so called “normal” daily life from going to sleep to waking up to showering to working to cooking to washing dishes to interacting with others, to running errands!
Save ~$80 on this Retreat with The Pass

Dissolving the Illusions of Mind
Dates: June 20 – 22, 2025
The erroneous belief in a separate self crystallizes the Pineal Gland, which disconnects us from Source Energy and creates a “veil” of mind-made illusions that we then mistakenly label as “reality”. This is the foundation of the “Ego” and it both prevents us from seeing Truly and creates our mind-made suffering. In this mini retreat, we aim to dissolve the most common Illusions of Mind so that we can disidentify from the suffering entity of the Ego and “Lift the Veil” to see Truly once more. The essential aim of this sacred container is to identify and purify our primary errors in perception so that we may return to a vision that reflects back peace & love.
Save ~$80 on this Retreat with The Pass

Breathwork Blast
Dates: August 22 – 24, 2025
The entire focus of this retreat is on Breathwork and how we may use its many practices to consciously guide us out of the Mind and back into the Heart. We will explore various leading breathwork techniques and provide a comprehensive overview of how the modality can serve as your essential vehicle on the Awakening Journey to facilitate your Healing & Homecoming.
Save ~$80 on this Retreat with The Pass

Forgetting Fear
Dates: Oct 24 – 26, 2025
The Awakening Journey can be described as the process of transmuting Fear back into Love until it is fully realized that Love is all that truly exists. In this appropriately timed Halloween retreat we will explore the many faces of Fear and look at how we can shift consciousness to dissolve the illusions that are distorting our vision and coloring our experiences with fright. The essential aim of this retreat is to realize that there is actually no-thing to Fear and that it is truly possible to unlearn it from the Conditioned Mind so that it has no influence, control, or presence in our lives.
Save ~$80 on this Retreat with The Pass

The Laughing Retreat
Dates: Dec 12 – 14, 2025
Have you ever heard the expression – “Laughter is the Best Medicine”? In this retreat we’ll explore through direct experience how and why this is possible. We’ll showcase the spiritual and energy-based significance of Laughter and link it to its psycho-scientific benefits. We will bring in spiritual comedians for some high-vibration stand up, do some laughter yoga, and will have a bunch of other unique experiences to create some of the biggest belly laughs of the year!
Save ~$80 on this Retreat with The Pass

“One Now at a Time”
Dates: Feb 6 – 8, 2026
In this safe container, we will focus on using spiritual principle and universal law to raise our vibration out of the state in which active craving and compulsion can exist. We will explore and understand the basics of consciousness in the context of energy dynamics and dysfunctional habit loop creation so that we can ultimately free ourselves from ourselves. The essential aim of this retreat is to examine and understand compulsive behavior – in its various forms – at its root level so that we can empower the individual to make sustainable change.
Save ~$80 on this Retreat with The Pass

Navigating the Awakening Journey
Dates: April 10 – 12, 2026
The Awakening Journey is quite the paradox, and the deeper down the rabbit hole you go, the more clearly the senselessness makes sense. The paradoxical nature of this pathless path makes it an often confusing and distressing experience, which is why this sacred container is focused on helping attendees to navigate the pilgrimage. We will look at the various stages of Awakening and bring more clarity and guidance to what is so often a vague process. We will explore some of the primary ego traps that can keep us stuck, and we will evaluate the evolution of consciousness to better understand what “the journey home” means and entails.
Save ~$80 on this Retreat with The Pass

Multi-Dimensional Detoxing
Dates: June 12 – 14, 2026
In order to truly clear the chakra system so that divine source energy can enter and flow, we must purify ourselves across all dimensions of our existence. In other words, we must look to cleanse ourselves on the levels mind, body, and soul to have complete and total harmony within our energy ecosystem. In this retreat, we will look at the various ways we can cleanse, detox, and reset across these primary dimensions so that we can live with more vibrance, authenticity, and connectedness.
Save ~$80 on this Retreat with The Pass

Dissolving Suicidal Ideation
Dates: Aug 14 – 16, 2026
Suicide is a leading cause of death that has reached pandemic proportions around the globe, and we need to face its ideation, in ourselves and in others, if we want to resolve it. In this unique, intimate, and safe weekend container, you will have the option to participate fully anonymously with your camera off to protect your privacy and to be mindful of the sensitive topic at hand. We will explore suicide and suicidal ideation from a multidimensional perspective, speaking to every relevant angle, and the essential aim is to inspire hope and solution in those who may be struggling or know someone who is.
Save ~$80 on this Retreat with The Pass

Discovering the “I Am.”
Dates: Oct 9 – 11, 2026
This retreat will focus on helping you to discover and connect with your essential, formless identity – “I Am,” which is the first-person singular of the expression “To Be.” We will strip away everything that we think we are in order to come face to face with the pure awareness that remains, which you truly are. The essential aim of this retreat is to catalyze and deepen Self-Realization. In other words, we will use concepts to realize our nonconceptual nature.
Save ~$80 on this Retreat with The Pass

The Meditation Retreat
Dates: Dec 11 – 13, 2026
In this mini retreat, we will directly experience a variety of the leading meditation techniques to help catalyze healing, remembrance, and awakening. After examining and experiencing enough traditional techniques, we will come to realize and emphasize that life itself is meditation, and meditation itself is life. We will come out of the weekend container knowing that every moment can be experienced meditatively, and the underlying purpose of meditation is to realize this inherent state of being.
Save ~$80 on this Retreat with The Pass

Cultivating Conscious Relationships
Dates: Feb 12 – 14, 2027
In this Valentine’s Day Weekend Retreat we will empower you to level up your relationships by catalyzing a fundamental shift in consciousness within yourself. The quality of your relationships is determined by the quality of your consciousness that flows into them. We will use this foundation to examine conscious dating, conscious monogamy, conscious parenting, and more. This sacred container offers attendees a timely look at their relationships and a refreshing and meaningful way to spend Valentine’s Day in 2026!
Save ~$80 on this Retreat with The Pass

The Yoga Retreat
Dates: April 9 – 11, 2027
In its essence, Yoga is a spiritual practice that brings the power of Spirit into the mental and physical planes through the focus on breath and movement. Yoga can be a helpful vehicle to deepen your realization of and connection with the True Self. In this retreat, we will experience several different forms of Yoga and evaluate their significance and influence on healing and the Awakening Journey. We will look at the power of Yoga from a multi-dimensional perspective across the levels of mind, body, and soul to offer the most comprehensive and integrated overview possible.
Save ~$80 on this Retreat with The Pass

Virtual Retreat Pass
All the Retreats.
All the Time.

Past Virtual Retreats
Our Past Retreats are Repackaged for an Optimized Self-Guided Transformational Experience!

Pathways to Healing
Weekend Virtual Retreat – Rent for 30 Days!
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Retreat Creator
Designing Retreat Visions & Schedules to Create Life-Changing Experiences

Retreat Manager
Bringing the Retreat Vision to Life by Managing the Process from Start to Finish

Retreat Moderator
Ensuring our Retreats are Safe Containers where Everyone Feels Accepted & Comfortable

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