Partner Bio I’m Adam. I am a healer. A dove. A grounding energy. A lightworker. A pilgrim. A truth seeker. Here to change the world, 1 breath at a time.
Before Ananda, I lived a version of success…
I competed in and captained successful sports teams & was a prefect and academic leader. I completed an undergraduate degree at the University of Auckland (Bachelor of Property) & received an Honours Degree (First Class) with a dissertation which became part of a published academic paper. I then carved out a successful career in Commercial Real Estate for 8 years with NZs largest kiwi owned Real Estate Company.
These experiences brought me life experience, relationships I will always cherish, and material abundance. They allowed me to travel the world, buy a home, live a life of excitement, thrills, and adrenaline. I’m grateful for all of the growth, lessons, and relationships.
I had been plastering over cracks in my psyche, in my sense of self. Masks were plentiful; coffee, drugs, drink, partying, all in excess, and all to numb the gnawing emptiness I felt inside…
What I lacked was direction. Meaning. Purpose. It was through the dispair of relationship breakdowns that I was forced inwards. To reflect and discover my true self. It wasn’t until I discovered breathwork that I realized that I had never experienced true love. Because I had never truly loved myself.
By emersing myself in the healing power of the breath, I began a healing journey that has allowed me to acquaint myself with my purpose, ignite my passion, and find fulfillment in the service of others.
This epiphany, blessed me with no other option than to close the chapter on what had come before, and trust the universe to catch me as I dived headlong in to the unknown abyss that is my purpose…
I left my career, moved out of my house, gave away superfluous possessions, and started from scratch.
Now, here I am. Sharing with you, what I have found in abundance; Bliss. To walk with you, to grow with you, to heal with you, and to find TRUE success with you.
Adam’s profound transformation journey that launched him out of the sky scrapers of corporate life and landed him in the heartland of the New Zealand jungle is an epic story of radical liberation. I’ve spoke with him on my occasions, listened to several of his teachings, and support his work as an authentic guide of awakening and energy-based healing. I recommend you explore his offerings for pranayama / breathwork!