Listed in Animal Communication & Connection
I have an extreme fear of height but am an adrenaline junkie and love sky diving.
Premium Partner – Verified - http://www.therawpetcompany.com
~ Offerings ~
The Raw Pet Company is an educational resource for pet owners that want to take better care of their four-legged companions. We believe that health and wellness should be approached holistically and that herbal medicines, natural products, and raw food options are integral to raising a happy, healthy pet.
The Raw Pet Company Services:
Bonding and Trust: Build a closer bond to your pet as well as trust in this 4 week practice. You will get 2 (45 minute) sessions with me and a specialized plan on daily 5-15 minutes practices. These will be designed around what you are needing to build trust in.
Skin Relief: Does your dogs have itchy skin, hair loss, red skin, and or dander. Book an initial 60 minute session for $125 to go over your pets information, set a goal, ask questions, and more. I will design a specialized plan for you that goes over products, grooming regimen, supplements, and nutrition changes that can slowly get you to your pets goals. Follow up 45 minutes sessions available for $75
Nutrition: Do you want to change up your pets diet to a more bioavailable options, upgrade from kibble, support health concerns, and more. We will first go over your pets current situation and energy status, what you can commit to and is realistic for. your lifestyle, what type of food you are interested in. After the first session, I will create a 1 month transition plan to prep your pets gut for the switch and when two slowly add in more supportive foods and supplements and how to rotate once you are fully transitioned. Initial 90 minute session is $175 and follow up 45 minute sessions are $75
Send me a message here to set up a free 20 minute consult! You can purchase products through Instagram or TikTok as well!
Celine has a deep love for animals and her ability to intimately connect with them is both authentic and admirable. As a certified practitioner, her expertise resides not only in how to holistically heal your furry friends, but how you can consciously cultivate relationships with them to facilitate your own healing as well. I look forward to seeing Celine blossom as a practitioner in one of the most underserved but widely appreciated modalities in the industry. Thanks for being here with us Celine – we’re blessed to have you 🙂