Listed in Quantum Healing
Before my Awakening, I had lots of fun doing circus things like stilt walking, (hula) hooping, poi and used to also do fire poi, fire hoop and fire fans on stilts at local events, festivals and at Burning Man (before anyone knew what that was)!
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- https://www.truehealingpotential.com
I had my initial Awakening with plant medicine to help me deal with a mental health crash and C-PTSD after being the primary caregiver to my soulmate who endured an intense auto-immune meltdown for a 2 year period that was never “diagnosed”. My nervous system lived in “fight/flight” mode during this time and became completely dysregulated. Our wonderful life unraveled. I had big mother & father wounding, there was no emotional support available from my family and our friends did not know what to do or say….they slowly faded away. I developed intense chronic shoulder pain that would last for 7 years. At the time, I could not see this was the cracking of me to let in the light for my ascension. I was in the victim mentality lamenting “Why” all this was “Happening To Me” being emotionally explosive/reactive to everyone around me.
I was determined work through this with out getting on medication. The plant medicine activated my Ego Death, I lost my identity, I was left not knowing ‘who’ I was for a few years due to lack of post medicine/community support. It was my “dark night of the soul” and it was intense! I kept trying many holistic modalities to continue my healing journey and to find myself again. A mind-body energy medicine modality allowed me to complete my healing process which was profound!
This led me to dive in, train and get certified in BodyTalk and then BodyIntuitive, two cutting edge mind-body quantum healing systems that activate the body’s self-healing mechanisms. The combination of eastern energy systems with molecular biology (including epigenetics!) and a psychology component helps to address a long list of physical and emotional issues and helps get your body’s energy flowing which is crucial for health and wellbeing.
Everything is Energy including our emotions! Emotional energy signatures can get stuck in our physical tissues and energy bodies. I absolutely love helping people release the stories they are still holding on to that are keeping these emotional energy signatures active and are creating their physical/mental issues and disrupting their nervous system balance. It’s a delicate dance of our ‘inner cosmos’ with the ‘outer cosmos’! I am thrilled to facilitate people getting their Inner Cosmos Reset, Reconnected and Realigned (these are my 3 pillars I work from) so that they can better navigate this crazy, modern fast paced world (Outer Cosmos) with more ability, ease and resilience.
We get wounded in relationship therefore we need to heal in relationship. I thought I could do it by myself but we all need support and that is why I am here, to help you along your Awakening path by creating a safe container for you to release those stories and events that may still be creating unease in your mind, body and or spirit so you can truly shine and enjoy this human experience!
Certified-BodyIntuitive-Certificate.pdf (7.53 MB)
CBP-Certificate.jpg (1.05 MB)
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I cannot say enough good things about Jonalyn, she has completely changed my life by teaching me how to regulate my emotions and stress with simple methods that are easy to follow. Highly recommend her!
I found Jonalyn a grounded and empathetic person – The BodyIntuitive sessions were both fascinating and successful – I felt that the knowledgeable questions she asked me during the sessions were asked because my own body had conveyed them to her for help with my healing – In sessions with Jonalyn, it felt as if some of my deeply held trauma had risen & was released – certainly much faster than any talk therapy I had ever done
I’ve been seeing Jonalyn for 5 months now and I can say without a doubt she has helped to transform my life for the better. During this time I’ve rebased a ton of emotional baggage, gotten engaged and quit a job that was not really fulfilling me. I’ve sent everyone from my best friend to my esthetician to go see her. My fiancée went to go see her this week and came back a fully different person, he was floating and open and exuding joy. 10/10 recommend
I sat down to chat with Jonalyn for over an hour – it was such a treat to hear her story and to feel the quality of energy that she emanated. She has a personal story that points to the heart of the awakening journey and I certainly trust that she’ll be able to help you navigate yours. Have a free consult with her to see what I see, and thank you for being here with us Jonalyn ❤️