Listed in Nervous System Regulation
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Hello! My name is Samantha Pike and I am a nervous system regulation guide. I help others manage their own vibration so they can become a vibrational match for what they ultimately desire.
When we change our vibration to a more desirable frequency, we can design the lives we truly want to live.
Through personal exploration and study, I developed a self-administered technique called The Alignment Method (AtM). AtM offers a step-by-step nervous system regulation technique designed to raise your vibration.
Recognizing that everything is energy, The Alignment Method uses scientifically based principles to systematically alter your vibration, offering an aligned pathway to design the life you desire. Whether you aim to enhance your career, relationships, financial situation, or health, it all starts with your nervous system. This technique teaches you how to neutralize success, making up-leveling feel safe.
By activating the parasympathetic nervous system using the Chakra System, breathing techniques, and cognitive restructuring, this method opens up new possibilities and opportunities, resulting in changes in behaviour and a transformed lived experience. The beauty of The Alignment Method is that once you learn the skill, you can apply it independently whenever needed.
As a child, I struggled with anxiety, which carried through into my adult life. After seeing therapists and even becoming a therapist myself, I still couldn’t find a practical technique that provided relief and support. It wasn’t until I went down my own spiritual journey that I discovered this incredibly useful tool. With over a decade of personal development study, including a Bachelor of Behavioural Psychology with Honours, this practical method focuses on managing your nervous system, emotions, and frequency in real-time.
I can’t wait to share it with you.
1. 1:1 with Me: During this one and a half hour, I will show you how to use my signature empowering nervous system regulation technique for bringing your body back to neutrality, developing new supportive thought patterns, and developing a deeper connection to your highly intelligent emotional guidance system. I’ve called this simple to use step by step practice, The Alignment Method. – $194 ($150 for Awakenpedia members)
2. Join my 40 Day Group coaching container called The Receptive Mode. Over the next 40 days, I will show you evidence based techniques for managing your own frequency for ultimate attraction and pleasure. You will receive daily reminders and community support to help keep you inspired and accountable to your practice. Includes 2 workshops, 4 weekly gatherings for check-in and practice, and on-going group chat over WhatsApp. – $447 ($297 for Awakepedia members). Register for next round of 40 days.
3. 40 Days of 1:1 – This is an opportunity for you to develop a stronger relationship with yourself. Develop deeper trust, stronger intuition, personal power, and personal accountability. Together, we will explore nervous system regulation techniques, divine feminine embodiment, and divine masculine embodiment. We will address areas you have been avoiding and conquer your fears one by one. By the end of our 40 Days together, you will have the skillset to move forward on your highest most aligned path for you. $794 (payment plan available).–20-a-day
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The Alignment Method keeps me open to new possibilities. When I tune into my truth, recognize what lies have been holding me back and how this is all connected in my body, soul and mind…something releases and I unlock more of what is possible. I love the simplicity of this method and I can use it anytime I’m feeling stuck.
Sam has cracked the code. The AtM turns a very complex concept (changing how we feel/ manage emotions and pain) into simple, tangible steps to improve quality of life!!
I’m not trying to sound dramatic, but AtM changed my life! Before I sat down with Sam, I was riddled with insecurities and anxiety about my work. I struggled to get out of bed in the morning and lacked the confidence I needed to become the version of myself I KNEW was hiding. With Sam’s guidance, she taught me how to regulate my nervous system in real time so that I could move forward with clarity and confidence. After a couple of sessions with her, I began to experience dramatic results. I started to advance in my career and adopted a new way of being in my personal life.
Samantha creates and holds a beautiful place for you to show up exactly as you are. Her teachings are clear and easy to follow throughout the day. I appreciate the new found clarity that everything is happening for me and that I can soothe, support and uplift myself in any given moment. thank you ❤️
If you’re even considering the 40 day receptive mode, just do it. You won’t have a single regret from being a part of this amazing program. The women that you will participate with will lift you up, validate & inspire you. You will feel stronger, sexier, more confident and lean in to your feminine energy in a way you likely never have before. I’ve been on a journey of self discovery since having my kids and figuring out who this “new me” is, and I gotta say with the help of Sam and the other women in this group – I really love who I am becoming. I’m finding more joy in my days with my kids, I feel more in love with my husband and he’s responding to me differently too, I’ve put myself out there for opportunities that I never would have had I not done this program. I’m excited to continue this practice beyond these 40 days and see what else I can manifest and bring about for the rest of 2024(and beyond) 💫❤️