~ Glossary: Free Teachings

Hello and welcome, 

My name is Cameron and I’m the Creator of Awakenpedia.?

If you have been called here, I ask that you please you consider becoming a member of Awakenpedia to join our blossoming community and to support our critical mission to address the Global Suicide, Addiction, and larger Mental Health Crisis underway.

I have directly experienced the Healing that is possible through Spiritual Awakening, and I aim to catalyze this same Life-Saving Shift in Consciousness in as many others that are ready for it.

If you want to hear what some of our current members have to say about their experience with Awakenpedia you can do so here, and if you already feel inspired to join us, I do offer a Free Trial. I donate a portion of proceeds to the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention to further help save as many lives as possible✨

Lastly, I kindly ask that you share this site with anyone that you think would benefit or be of interest. We are all on this Journey together and I thank you in advance for playing your part and supporting this ever-important mission. ?

Feel free to check out some of my Teachings below to see how deeply they resonate with your Soul:

See Full Glossary of Teachings Here.


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