The Interplay of Consciousness, Religion, & Spiritual Awakening

Tune into a wildly humorous yet deeply profound conversation I share with fellow Awakenpedia Member – Bob Peck – as we take the deep dive into the interplay of Consciousness, Religion, and Spiritual Awakening. Take an hour out of your day and come down the rabbit hole with us!

About Bob Peck:

Bob is a blossoming thought leader in New Age Spirituality with a particular focus in Formative Christianity. He is the Author of the soon-to-be Best Seller, Original Sin Is A Lie: How Spirituality Defies Dogma and Reveals our True Self. 

Bob marries ancient wisdom with modern humor in a way that makes Truth both profound and relatable. Highly recommend you pick up a copy of this spiritual text, which you can do so here.

Thanks for the fun chat Bob! Until the next one!


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